The Sandwich That Sam Killed Sandy With : Filmmaking at University

This is the first fully scripted and story boarded short film I made at University. The task was to retell a story taken from a news paper, a fable or film and retell in around two minutes. As it was the first day of class, nobody knew each other so we awkwardly got in to…

Programme Treatments

My programme treatment thumbnails can be viewed here: Made in Bristol – program treatments #1 (will download in .docx format) I created these treatment thumbnails as a record of all of the programme ideas that I have devised over my time with Made Television both for my records and theirs. Theres nothing worse than having a lightbulb…

Introduction: Jamie Lowe

Welcome, This website is a collection of my experiences and examples of my work as a presenter and producer. I decided to create it for two reasons. Firstly, as a platform to showcase skills and secondly to help me keep track of everything i’ve done so far. Currently I am a second year student of…